BVS Solitaire Collection Game Rules Index Solitaire game types Glossary Solitaire FAQ A Above and Below Accordion Aces Up Acme AdelaAgnes Algerian Alhambra Ali Baba Alternations Alternative Amazons American Canister American Toad Ants Archway Arizona Astrocyte Auld Lang Syne Aunt Mary Austerlitz Australian Patience Autumn Leaves Avenue B Babette Baby Spiderette Backbone Baker's Dozen Baker's Game Baker's Game Two Decks Banner Barricade Barrier Base Pyramid Batsford Beautiful Lutecia Beehive Beetle Beleaguered Castle Beleaguered Castle II Big Ben Big Bertha Big Forty Big FreeCell Big Robbery Binding Bisley Black Hole Black Widow Blind Alleys Blind Hookey Blind Patience Block Eleven Block Ten Blockade Blondes and Brunettes Bob's Scorpion Boomerang Boulevard Bouquet Box Kite Braid Brave Freecell Brigade Brisbane Bristol British Blockade British Constitution British Square Buffalo Bill Bureau Busy Aces C Cadenette Calculation Canfield Canister Caprice Captive Queens Carlton Carpet Casket Castle Castles in Spain Cat's Cradle Cat's Tail Chamberlin Chameleon Chequers Chessboard Chinese Solitaire Cicely Citadel Classic Bisley Clock Club Colonel Colorado Colours Complicated Concentration Cone Confusion Congress Constitution Cormorant Cornfield Corona Cotillion Courtyard Crazy Quilt Crescent Criss-Cross Cromwell Cruel Curds and Whey Czarina D Dawson Dealer's Dozen Deck Demon Fan Depot Desire Deuces Devil's Bridge Diavolo Dieppe Difficult Sequence Diplomat Display Divorce Double Canfield Double Dot Double Easthaven Double Fourteens Double Klondike Double Nestor Double or Quits Double Rail Double Russian Solitaire Double Scorpion Double Toad Double Topsy-Turvy Queens Double Yukon Doublets Doubt Downhill Dress Parade Dutch Windmill Duchess Duchess of Luynes Duke E Eagle Wing EastHaven Egyptian Pyramid Eight By Eight Eight By Thirteen Eight OffEight Sages Eight Sphinxes ElmaEmperor Empire Even and Odd Exiled KingsExit F Faerie Queen Falling Star Famous FiftyFan Favorite Fifteen in a Row Fifth Avenue Fifty Fifty Five Piles Flea MarketFloradora Florentine Flower Bed Flower Garden Fly Follow the King Following Forest Glade Forget-Me-NotFort Fortress Fortune's Favor Forty and Eight Forty Thieves Forty-Nine Four Intruders Four Kings Four Leaf Clovers Four PacksFour Seasons Four Ways Fourfold Canfield Fourfold Klondike Fourfold Scorpion Fourfold Yukon Fourteens FreeCell French Revolution Friday the Thirteenth Full Parade G Gallery Gaps Gate General's Patience German Patience GiantGiant II Gigantic SpiderGiza Glacier Glencoe Gloucestershire GolfGood Measure Grandfather Grandfather's Clock Grandmother Granny's Patience Grounds For Divorce Guard of Honour Guards Collar H Half and Half Hardcell Harp Hayfield Heads and Tails Heap Hemispheres Herring-BoneHorizon House in the Wood House of Commons House on the Hill Hunter I Idle Aces Impatience Imperial Guards In a Frame Indefatigable IndianIngenuous Inside Out IntelligenceIntrigue J Jamestown Japanese RugJosephine JourneyJubilee Junction Juvenile K K.C. Kaiser BillKhedive KimberlyKing Albert King Solomon's Cave Kingdom Kings Kings and Aces King's Plume King's Secrets King's Way Kingsdown Eights KingsleyKlondike Klondike II (turn one) Knaves' Dial Knotty NinesKosynka Kosynka II L Labyrinth Lady Betty Lady Palk Laggard Lady Lanes Last Chance Legitimist Light and Shade Limited Lions Gate Little Billee Little Forty Little Napoleon Little Picture Gallery Little Spider Little Windmill Locked Cards Long Trip Longing Louis Louisa Lucas Luckier Thirteen Lucky Thirteen M Malaren Manx Maria Marius MarriagesMartha Martha + Martin Mary Stuart Masked Twelve Masquerade Masterpiece Mathematics Matrimony Maze Midshipman Milligan Harp Miss Milligan Miss Muffet Mixtures Monte Carlo Moosehide Mount Olympus Mrs Mop Muses N NapoleonNapoleon Leaves Moscow Napoleon Takes Moscow Napoleon's Shoulder Napoleon's Square Napoleon's Tomb Napoleon the Great NationaleNestor New MannerNew York Ninny Nivernaise Norwegian Patience Number Ten Numidia Nunavut O Obstacle Race Obstacle Race II Octave Odessa Old Carlton Old Crow Old Friend One Pack Open Crescent Open Scorpion Open Spider Open Yukon Oscillation Osmosis Overage P Paganini Pairs Parade Parallels Parisienne Parliament Parquet Pas SeulPatriarchs Peacock TailPeek Penelope's WebPenguinPeppy Perpetual Motion Perseverance Persian Patience PhalanxPharaoh Picture Gallery Picture Gallery II Picture Patience Pine Cone Plait Poker Solitaire Polish Patience Potholes Precedence Princess Patience Prison Prisoner Push-PinPuss in the Corner PyramidPyramid Golf Pythagor Q Q.C. Quadrangle Queen of Italy Queens and Jacks R Rabbit Creek RaglanRainbow Rectangle Red and Black Relaxed FreeCell Relaxed Pyramid Reverse Order Reversi RittenhouseRobert Rouge et Noir Rows of Four Royal Aids Royal Cotillion Royal Family Royal Marriage Royal Rendezvous Royal Suite Russian Solitaire S 'S' Salic Law San Jose HillSaratoga Scarab Scarf Scarf II Scorpion SolitaireScotch Patience Seahaven Towers Selective Canfield Senate Sesame Seven Seven Devils Seven Hills Seven in a Row Shady Lanes Shamrocks Sheaf Shifting Shifting Depots Short Solitaire SimpleSimple Addition Simple Pairs Simple Simon Simpleton Simplex SimplicitySingle Rail Sir TommySix By Six Sixes and Sevens Sixth Coalition SnakeSnowball Solid Square Solitaire Piquet SomersetSpaces and Aces Spanish Patience Spider Solitaire Spider One Suit Spider Two Suit Spiderette Spiderette One Suit Spiderette Two Suit Spiderwort Spoilt SquadronSquare Squared Away St. HelenaStacks Stag Party StairsStalactites StarStay-at-home SteeplechaseSteps Stewart River Stonewall StorehouseStrategy Streets Streets and Alleys Strip Striped Fan StripteaseSudden Death Sultan Super Flower Garden Superior Canfield Superior Canfield II Swallows Swedish Patience Swiss T Tabby Cat Take Fourteen Tam O'Shanter Tarantula Terrace The People's Game The Plot The Reserves The SparkThe Wish Thieves of Egypt Thirteens Thirty-Nine Steps Thirty-six Three Blind Mice Three Cells Three Fir-trees Threefold Canfield Threefold Klondike Threefold Scorpion Threefold Yukon Thumb and Pouch Toad Toni Topsy-turvy Queens Total PairTournament Tower of Pisa Trace Travellers Trefoil Triads Triangle Tri-Peaks Tri-Towers Triple LineTriple Union Troika Trusty Twelve Tuffet Tunguska Turkish Kerchief Turncoats Tut's TombTwelve Sleeping Maids Twelve Sleeping Maids II TwentyTwenty Four Fans Twilight Zone Twin Queens Two Cells Two Rings U Usk V Vague Variegated Canfield VassalVertical Victoria Virginia Reel Voracious W Waning Moon Wasp Wave Motion Westcliff White Scarf WhiteheadWill o' the Wisp Wickerwork WindMill Y Yeast Dough Yukon Z Zigzag Course Zodiac